Finding a Signature Scent: How Scent Impacts your Energy

Image Courtesy: Hypebae

Scents can completely transform how an individual remembers a space, curating these specific connotations within their own memories and how it impacts their impression of an environment's aura. Usually, in reference to the embodiment of an individual's presence, there is this notion of focusing on how someone is characterized by the way they speak and present themselves to those around them. With this perspective, there can be a complete oversight of the nuanced impact of scent. The energy of someone in a setting can be altered just by their scent and if it continues to remain consistent or constantly ebb and flow. Bringing a spotlight to the influence that can come from the sharpening of one’s signature scent. This allows individuals to control the ambiance they project, whether aiming for a feminine allure or a memorable fragrance akin to freshly baked pastries.

Image Courtesy: Perfumer & Flavorist

Having a signature scent creates associations that stay with those whom you encounter and serve to be a part of their developing impression of who you are. While a signature scent doesn’t make your presence in a room, it can completely enhance the energy you emanate in a way that can elicit lasting emotions from those around you. When initially thinking about how you want to piece together your scent profile, you need to understand the atmosphere and feelings you wish to be associated with. Do you want to emit a bold energy that people can relate to or be associated with a certain place? All these aspects factor into not only what fragrance palette you choose to cater to but also how you will layer on aromas to gain your personalized scent presence.

Image Courtesy: Scent Beauty

With the never-ending number of options that can be presented to you in physical locations or even online through Pinterest boards, TikTok testers, etc., it can feel difficult to pick out the scent catered to you. Once again, the scent you decide should not only align with your preferences but serve to elevate your personality.  The four-note families on the fragrance wheel can serve as a great baseline: woody (sandalwood and patchouli), ambers (vanilla and musk), fresh (passionfruit and lime), and floral (jasmine and lavender). In my journey with choosing a personal fragrance, I have found myself needing to test out a multitude of differing samples as you need to find something that resonates with your body's natural chemistry. Perfume does not smell the same on everybody, and your body can pick up on specific nodes more prominent than others, so you could layer on aromas to give off the potency you desire. Taking the time to decide all these varying factors can tether you back to the present in ways that you wouldn’t initially contemplate.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Crafting an experience for not only the individuals around you who enter your sphere but also making a process that can even serve as self-care to you personally. Having this sensory experience where you are creating a ritual for yourself can aid with mindfulness as you are establishing connections to your identity in an environment. It's not only about the smell you give off to others but also about finding minuscule moments to reset and take out time from a hectic day, giving yourself an instance to decompress. Depending on the scent you choose, it can even emit distinct memories that you can look back on and associate with as you build up your routine. When expanding on my own personal scent, I found that I wanted it to center around a more tropical, nutty, and pistachio fragrance. Every day, as I layer on my aromas, I am brought back to identity as I reminisce on moments at the beach with my mother as she put on cocoa lotion.

A signature scent that is founded upon not only desired impressions but also personal experiences creates lasting associations with those encountered. It serves as a subtle yet powerful way to enhance the energy one emanates, eliciting emotions from those in proximity. Ultimately, the process of selecting an individualized fragrance is a personal one and serves as a compelling way to highlight one’s essence through the expression of identity and finding mindfulness in micro-moments.

Strike Out,

Author: Emily Montarroyos

Editor: Isabel Wilder



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