Girlcore: How Feminine Fashion is Back and Better than Ever

Girlcore is a trend that has taken over our feeds since late 2023, and it shows no signs of stopping. The trend features hyperfeminine styles — pink, rosettes, florals, bows, lace, and fills. It has been featured on many runways since the end of last year, such as the iconic bow dress from Moschino’s SS24 show or the beautiful feminine styles of the Simone Rocha SS24 show.

Image Courtesy: Vogue

One of the last times we saw a rise of feminine fashion was in the early 2010s with nymphet and coquette-like styles that were popular during the 2010s on Tumblr. This style was inspired by things such as Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita and Lana Del Rey’s feminine “American Girlhood” style during the time. It consisted of lacy and dolly styles and silhouettes, with red lollipops, cherries, and red heart glasses being the core of this online fashion trend.

Image Courtesy: THE DOLORES HAZE NETWORK on Tumblr

However, this rise of feminine fashion is much more mainstream and progressive than its predecessor. Girlcore not only highlights the resurgence of feminine styles that were once admonished by society but also serves as a statement of the empowerment of wearers and reflects the principles of feminism.

Feminism is defined by the belief in the social and economic of the sexes. One of feminism’s core qualities is the freedom of choice, including the freedom to express oneself through fashion without fear of judgment or limitation. Girlcore embraces feminist ideals by celebrating femininity in all forms, whether through soft and frilly looks or bold, statement-making outfits.

Girlcore unapologetically encapsulates feminist styles and allows individuals to reclaim agency over their bodies and redefine what it means to be powerful and confident in a world that often seeks to confine and dictate. In a society where femininity has often been seen as a weakness, reclaiming traditionally feminine styles becomes a form of resistance — a way of asserting autonomy over one's identity and rejecting outdated notions of gender norms.

Girlcore also challenges the notion that feminism and femininity contradict each other. It is a common misconception that feminism rejects feminine ideals and values when, in reality, they are two forces that work together to dismantle patriarchal structures while embracing the full spectrum of gender expression. Girlcore highlights a new world where individuals are no longer confined to rigid binaries and are given the power to confidently explore and embrace their identities without fear of oppression. 

The appeal of Girlcore is not only in its aesthetic but also in its underlying message of self-love and acceptance. By embracing feminine styles with confidence and conviction, we redefine the narrative surrounding femininity and pave the way for a more inclusive future where authenticity reigns supreme, and everyone is free to express themselves without fear of judgment. This trend serves as a reminder that fashion is not just about what we wear but also about the statements we make and the values we uphold.

Strike Out,

Writer: Trinity Talton

Editor: Blake N. Fiadino



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