Is This The End of the Plastic Surgery Era?

Image Courtesy: Real Self

Over the past couple of decades plastic surgery has exploded. In 2022, we have seen it all; the good, the bad, and the ugly. In the early 2000’s getting plastic surgery was relatively taboo. Patients spent hours on the operating table and weeks in recovery, hibernating until the bandages and any evidence was long gone. 

People rarely talked about getting work done, and celebrities denied going under the knife, claiming that their changing face or figure was the result of diets, clothes, lighting, or makeup. 

Today, talking about plastic surgery is much more commonplace. Since the mid 2010’s celebrities like Kylie Jenner and Chrissy Teagan have openly displayed and discussed their enhanced pouts and sculpted cheeks. 

In recent years, it seems like we have been trending towards bigger is better in some bodily aspects. Bigger booties and bigger lips have been all the rage these past couple of years, and, according to Vice News, the number of Brazilian Butt Lift surgeries (AKA BBL’s) performed around the world increased by 77.6% from 2014 to 2019.

Image Courtesy: Town & Country Magazine

This trend was prompted by some of Hollywood’s most famous women and promoted by social media. Having these enhancements has remained part of the celebrity and influencer uniform in past years. However, things are starting to change. 

In late 2021, the Kardashians, who are famous for their massive behind’s, shocked the internet but ditching their (alleged) BBL’s in favor of a more natural look. At the same time, the term “filler fatigue” began gaining traction, a term that describes the doughy look that comes from the long term effects of repeated filler injections, when the skin no longer stretches back to its original shape. 

So, this begs the question, is the plastic surgery era really over? No, not really. Here’s why:

The plastic surgery era is not over, it is just changing. While the overdone look trend is over, people are still antsy to get their ideal look. At the same time, practices have improved, leading to a rise in niche, newly developed, non-invasive procedures, instead of full-on surgeries. People are opting to get chemical peels and microdermabrasion instead of Botox and a less invasive lip enhancing procedure known as a “lip flip” is growing in popularity, with people favoring that over pumping their entire lips with filler. 

So, if you are looking to get some work done, there may be an easier way that requires less surgery and recovery time. However, it will probably be almost as expensive as traditional plastic surgery. 

Strike Out, 

Writer: Eloise McNair 

Editor: Shelby Wingate



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