Calculating Confidence

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

I’m the type of person whose day is determined in the first few minutes of waking up. Why? Because the outfit I choose to wear will reflect my mood for the rest of the day-- my outfit is my armor, my protection. If I am wearing something I don’t feel confident in, I will be quicker to irritate, bossier, and have less patience with myself as well as others around me. If I’m loving my outfit, however, inconveniences will not bother me as easily because I feel secure in how I am presenting myself to the world.


For years, my family would make fun of me for getting angry as they rush me to get ready. Yet, the perfect outfit is not the right outfit if it does not fit the requirements of the day -- my mood, the activities I need to complete and the people I know I am going to see. While I have always known this quirk about myself, I recently became curious if this was a real occurrence, a phenomenon happening to women everywhere… the answer is yes.  

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

This phenomenon is called dopamine dressing, and it describes the way people enhance their mood through clothing. Dopamine is “a chemical messenger in the brain that reinforces behaviors that make you feel good,” according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse. Basically, dopamine is released while doing something enjoyable, giving us a sense of pleasure. For many, wearing bold colors sparks their feel-good hormone and gives us newfound confidence. For others, a power-suit or fun patterns accentuates their body best and makes them feel powerful. It is simple-- this technique works whenever we consciously choose to wear clothes that bring us joy or nostalgically remind us of any positive feelings from the past. 

There are countless ways we can employ dopamine dressing to our advantage in order to give ourselves the best shot at getting that job, having a successful first date, and feeling confident in those overwhelming social settings.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Here are a few of my favorite tips:   

  1. Analyze how you are feeling in this exact moment and determine what mood you would like to embrace.

  2. Use color therapy! Colors are correlated with our emotions-- we say we are feeling blue, green with envy, tickled pink, seeing red…

  3. Take note of how certain items make you feel. Many of us fall victim to trends that do not suit us.

  4. Validate your feelings; because you know yourself best!

Author of The Psychology of Fashion, Carolyn Mair explains “When we feel good, we are more likely to be perceived as looking good” because we convey positivity through our body language. Dopamine dressing is the manifestation of how perception becomes reality. When we release more happiness and confidence into the world, that energy will find its way back to us.

Strike out,

Gabriela Lefkovits 

Editor: Caroline Kostuch



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