The allure of the red dress

How can a color determine your attractiveness? 

Studies reveal that the color red is the most attractive color to both men and women. But, oddly enough, they are attracted to the same color for different reasons. Red insinuates seduction, love, passion and desirability for men. For women, color indicates high status and dominance. 

Either way: Red is tempting and alarming. 

It's no surprise, then, that red has been utilized on the big screen through costuming. Here are some iconic examples you may be familiar with:

  • Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell - “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (1954)

  • Audrey Hepburn - “Funny Face” (1957)

  • Julia Roberts - “Pretty Woman” (1990)

  • Cameron Diaz - “The Mark” (1994)

  • Emma Stone - “Gangster Squad” (2013)  

  • Emma Stone - “Cruella” (2021)

Image courtesy: Vogue

Image courtesy: Vogue

Image courtesy: Vogue

Image courtesy: Vogue

Image courtesy: Vogue

Image courtesy: Explore

Almost 60 years later, this red dress theory is still present in successful movies. This could be seen as a power move for women. But men interpret the crimson couture as a signal that women are more open to sexual advances. When they see a red dress, they develop an expectation for the woman inside it. 

Take, for example, Jessica Rabbit. This character continues to be the biggest sex symbol in animation. The filmmakers purposely designed her to embody the male gaze and give off femme-fatale energy. 

Image courtesy: Disney Fandom

Another question: Do women take advantage of knowing how the color red is perceived and want to attract men’s attention? 

First impressions matter. Men look at hundreds of photos every time they log online looking for love; perhaps wearing red isn't such a bad idea. It’s the color of love, both captivating and memorable.

A parallel hypothesis has surfaced on TikTok: the red nail theory.

“Every time I have red nails, a guy comments on it,” TikToker @girlbosstown vouches. And she’s not alone.

It didn’t take long for other people to hop on the trend and test the theory. In some men's minds, the classic hue is somehow associated with timeless, caregiving and unconditional love. Others have reminded us that our beauty routines and manicure appointments aren’t for men but are for us.

Image courtesy: @haileybieber

Whether or not red actually makes you 10 times more attractive, or that the red nails theory is provoking single Millennials to find love connections, it can’t hurt to experiment. Explore what red inspires — whether that means painting your nails or going full-on Jessica Rabbit. 


Strike out,

Writer: Denisa Fluturas

Editor: AJ Bafer




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