What If I Don’t Want to be a Gym Rat?

“GymTok” is haunting everyone’s For You page, and it’s nearly impossible to escape it. We’ve entered an era where the pressure is on to get in the gym, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’d be hard to say that a trend based on improving physical health is negative, but some aspects of the gym rat trend can be.

Many fitness influencers (not all) encourage working out five to seven days a week. Sh*t, good for them! But so many simply don’t have time to get in the gym that often. The majority of college students have a job, which on top of classes, can be enough to make it hard to get into the gym. If you add in other extracurriculars, it’s nearly impossible. 

The pressure put on by some fitness influencers makes those too busy to spend hours on end in the gym each week feel guilty. Their bodies represent perfection according to society. Some influencers call people who don’t go to the gym lazy or unmotivated, using phrases like “just get up and go!” to add to the pressure. But sometimes, it’s not so easy to just get up and go, so I’m here to tell you to lose your guilt. Your body is perfect without being completely ripped! You are not lazy; you are just human. It’s completely normal to go to the gym two-four days a week, and it’s also okay if you don’t go to the gym at all. 

If you find yourself caught up and busy with other commitments, taking a break from the gym is okay, sometimes necessary. There is no reason to overwhelm yourself just to meet society’s beauty standards. If going to the gym simply isn’t your thing, there are many other ways to get in a good workout! Running and walking are great ways to get your body moving and an awesome way to get outside. You could always take a walk/run on the beach or utilize nature trails in your area! Yoga, cycling classes, or pilates are also fun and effective ways to stay active without going to the gym. 

Disclaimer, I have nothing against gym rats. I like to think I was one a while back. There are many fitness influencers who use their platform to inspire and help others, and there’s a lot of respect to be paid for that. But don’t ever let social media make you feel lazy, like your body isn’t good enough, or pressured to get in the gym. If going to the gym makes you happy, go to the gym! If it doesn’t make you happy, don’t go! It really can be as simple as that. Your world does not have to revolve around getting a six-pack, a big butt, or huge arms. 

Strike Out, 

Boca Raton
Morgan Harms 

Morgan Harms is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She is a pisces mermaid infatuated with the ocean and the color blue.  She spends her free time daydreaming, wave hunting, and blasting music from whatever genre she’s into that day. You can reach her on Instagram @morganjharms, or by email morganjharms@gmail.com.


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